Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Wise Words of the Week
"The trouble with some women is they get all excited about nothing--and then they marry him." (Cher)
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Will Wonder Woman Still Be Wonderful for Today's Girls?
You've probably heard that well-known TV series creator David E. Kelley is hard at work on a reboot of the 70s pop culture classic Wonder Woman. If so, you've probably also heard all the negative buzz surrounding this new version. People have been particularly critical of Kelley's choice of actress (who has the difficult task of filling Lynda Carter's famous red boots) and of the re-design of her iconic superhero(ine) garb. Click here to view a slideshow of her many incarnations as well as some interesting backstory on the character. As a kid, I always enjoyed watching Carter fight the bad guys and look good doing it. I have very positive memories of that show. The world of superheroes is unquestionably male-dominated, so Wonder Woman helps to fill a void in the minds of little girls. She becomes problematic only when more attention is paid to her somewhat revealing crime-fighting outfit than to the development of her as a character. Hopefully, the modern take will recognize this and continue to portray her as a positive figure for both girls and boys.
Monday, March 28, 2011
The State of the American Woman
This month, the U.S. Department of Commerce and the White House Council on Women and Girls released a comprehensive report entitled: "Women in America: Indicators of Social and Economic Well-Being." The first report of its kind since 1963, it reveals extensive and detailed findings in categories including families, education, employment, crime and violence, and health. Take some time to look it over, note how things have changed for women over the years, and see if it describes your life...because the results are all about us! And, here's a related article on the report's conclusions about the state of modern marriage.
Wise Words of the Week
"There came a time when the risk to remain tight in the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom." (Anais Nin)
Remembering Geraldine Ferraro
We've just lost another boundary-breaking woman: the first U.S. female vice presidential candidate, Geraldine Ferraro. She died on Saturday after a 12-year struggle with blood cancer. After Ferraro came onto the national political scene in the 1980s, things would never be the same again. For women with aspirations to gain entry into one of the ultimate men's clubs, Ferraro was living proof that it could actually be done. Her courage and spirit were undoubtedly sources of great inspiration to every woman who has since followed her path.
Personal is Political,
Real Smart Women
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
RIP Elizabeth Taylor

Wise Words of the Week
"The beauty of empowering others is that your own power is not diminished in the process." (Barbara Colorose)
Monday, March 21, 2011
Lindsay and Lexie: A Couple of Smart Women Doing Important Work
I recently came across the blog Beauty Redefined, and enjoyed it so much that I added it to the links list. The issues discussed there are often on my mind and very close to my heart. Beauty Redefined is the work of Lindsay and Lexie Kite, 25-year-old identical twins and PhD students at the University of Utah. Their mission is to help people recognize and reject harmful messages about their bodies through honest discussion of body image, media influence, and women's potential. I look forward to keeping up with their progress!
Portrayal vs Betrayal
In a new UK study titled "Portrayal vs Betrayal?", the largest ever of its kind, researchers find that women, black people, and gay people still suffer from negative portrayals in popular film. This finding may not be much of a surprise, but that does not make it acceptable. The positive side of this study is the fact it surveyed over 4,000 adults to arrive at its conclusions. In other words, it would seem that the general public agrees with what feminist and cultural critics have known for so long. As the saying goes: the first step toward change is recognizing that there's a problem.
Putting the "Art" In Smart,
Social Status
Earth-Friendly Fashion
The Guardian has a great resource available to eco-conscious shoppers called the Ethical Fashion Directory. Their interactive directory boasts a wide array of options for buying fair trade, organic, recycled, sustainable, and vegan fashions. They also kindly include a glossary of these terms for the uninitiated ;) Shopping categories include women's clothing, menswear, children and baby clothing, shoes, accessories, and undergarments. A step in the right direction for those who want to be both fashionable and responsible!
Friday, March 11, 2011
Never Negotiate Without Lipstick

Wise Words of the Week
"How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world." (Anne Frank)
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Happy International Women's Day!

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